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During my time in this class, I learned a lot about myself and ways to improve some bad habits of mine. One habit that I learned to focus more on is my ability to be concise with when speaking, especially when working collaboratively. This was especially prevalent during my groupwork sessions for the podcast project. By being verbally concise, I will be able to give opinions way more efficiently and waste less time when discussing and making decisions. This also stems from my shy personality, and fear of being wrong, so throughout the class I have been trying to boost my own self esteem and effectively communicate with my peers as a young adult, which will help me for the rest of my life.

Another learning experience that occurred for me was my overall perception on gender values and the construction of gender expectations. Before this class, I have heard the term "social construction" before but never knew the definition of the term specifically. This class definitely changed my perspective of the subject and why society acts the way it does when it comes to gender classification and perception of beauty. This has taught me to not let society define me.

Although there were good learning experiences that I could take away from this class, there were also problems that occurred as well. For example, time management was definitely a problem for me in this class. Although the work was easy enough for me to do, I was unable to commit and put effort in my work when I should've. In the future, I should be more strict on myself about deadlines and really follow my planner that I update on every week. Especially towards the end of the quarter, I need to learn how to boost my own motivation and persevere through the tough ending weeks.

Another problem that I encountered in this class is my ability to effectively read an article. I noticed that I would understand the basic meaning of the text, but not completely be able to analyze the text in a more sophisticated and academic way. To fix this, I should take the time to read more advanced texts during my own time and think deeper about the author's purpose. I should try to develop a love and appreciation for reading as reading is not particularly my favorite activity.

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Hey Jianna! I also noticed that when I read an article, I only understand the surface concepts and do not fully analyze it. Completing the reading assignments on Connect has definitely helped me improve my reading comprehension skills. My advice would be read the article in sections rather than all in one take. I found myself understanding the text better like this because I would focus on a portion without feeling overwhelmed on the whole text. I hope this help. :) It was great working with you these last few weeks! Thank you for feedback on my body paragraphs, it was helpful!

Thank you :) I wish you the best of luck next quarter!


Ray Khan
Ray Khan
15 mars 2021

Hi Jianna! I totally understand that initial feeling of shyness when it comes to group work because I experience it alot. I’m proud how we both opened up and provided our insights to our respective groups for success in the podcast project and other collaborative assignments. Time management is a skill that comes with practice and I’m also working on it. I’d recommend setting a timer to reduce procrastination. Good luck!

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